Cherry Tomatoes: Paint and Draw Together Art Challenge 86 (Dec 01, 2019 – Jan 19, 2020)

First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the previous Paint and Draw Together challenge: Your participation in the challenge and your inspiring comments motivates all of us!

Painting challenges are all about learning, sharing and having fun. In the art challenges, we really challenge ourselves, rather than compete with others.

About the New Challenge – “Cherry Tomatoes”

Here’s a new photo reference for you. You are welcome to take this photo and interpret it in any way you like on paper or canvas. The play of light … the succulent little juicy tomatoes… the beautiful red and green colors… I invite you to let your imagination run free and challenge yourself. How can you transform this photo into an engaging artwork?

To participate in this challenge, please sign in to this website and create a new post as a response to the current challenge, the latest by Jan 19, 2020.

After that, we will be having a new challenge.

First Time Visitors

If you are new to this site, here’s a short summary of what’s this is all about:

  • On this site (Paint and Draw Together) a new high quality photograph is posted every six week. You are invited to use this photograph as a reference and create a painting or drawing in any medium based on this photo.
  • Participation is completely free and everyone is welcome – once you have created your artwork, all you need to do is register and submit an image of your artwork (based on this reference photo). You are also welcome to share your post on your Facebook, Twitter or other social media – please use the hashtag #paintanddrawtogether so your pictures show up in the challenge groups.
  • The focus is on learning and sharing and having fun. We all learn from seeing how other artists interpret the same photo differently and create paintings/drawings in different styles. The challenge photo also give you a readymade composition to serve as a painting inspiration.

Happy Painting!
Thank You

A tomato may be a fruit, but it is a singular fruit. A savory fruit. A fruit that has ambitions far beyond the ambitions of other fruits.“– E. Lockhart

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