Frequently Asked Questions

What is Paint and Draw Together?

Paint and Draw Together is a free site in which artists create and share paintings based on the latest photo reference.

Here is how it works:

  • Challenge Photo: A high quality reference photo is posted as a painting idea every six weeks.
  • Challenge Submissions: Artists create paintings/drawings based on this photo and post it in the site. We all learn from seeing how different artists handle the same subject in different mediums and share our comments. It also brings visibility to your own site since you can include your website link in the submission.

How to Participate in Paint and Draw Together?

Participate in 3 Easy Steps!

What Should be the Size of Image You Can Post?

Please make sure that the size of the image you upload is less than 200KB.
How to make your image smaller? There are many different ways you can make an image smaller. Here is a step by step guide for windows.
(1)Make a backup copy of your image first for safety.
(2)On Windows you open your image in “Paint”
(3)Select “Resize” from the top menu.
(4)Select “Resize by pixels”.
(5)Choose 400 as the “Horizontal” value.
(6)Make sure that “Maintain aspect ratio” is selected.
(7)Now press ok.
(8)Finally save your image.
Now when you see in windows explorer, the image size should have reduced siginificantly – to less than 200kb.

How to Download the Challenge Photo Reference?

A new high quality photo reference will be posted every 6 weeks with a few basic notes covering areas you need to pay attention to. You need to click on the photo in the blog which will open a higher resolution photo in a separate window and save it for your painting reference.

What’s the Benefit of Participating in Challenges?

The complexity of the subject will vary in different challenges.
These reference compositions in the challenges will be designed to engrave in your mind the importance of values, soft and hard edges, lights and shadows. They will train your eyes to distinguish highlights, light, middle tone, core shadows, main shadows, reflected light and cast shadows.


What are the Rules for Participating?

Very simple really. All pictures & content you upload must be your own and you must never infringe on anyone’s copyright. This is a community run site based on trust. There is a more comprehensive version of terms and conditions and privacy policy if you are interested.

Who Owns the Copyright to Paintings on

The individual artists who participate in the challenge own the copyrights to their paintings. You must contact them directly if you are interested in the artwork.


That’s it! Let’s get started 🙂 Head up to the “Submit” button, register free and upload a photo of your painting based on the latest reference photo.

Happy Painting!

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