Tea Roses

Artist: Debbie Later
Medium: watercolor
Size: 5 x 7 inches

Well I need to be honest here.This is not my original painting.  For the first one I bought some watercolor paper  from a hobby store and it was awful. It would not take a wash, it got all pilly and the paper rubber off.  I could not lift to highlight, it was a mess. I liked the way the cup turned out because it was mostly done with a dry brush.  The background, however was a disaster!  So the second painting, you see here, is from the cut out cup glued onto an old existing and unfinished painting!  HaHa !

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  1. A good idea the saving of your cup and the using of an old unfinished painting!Now we have a new and beautiful painting.

  2. Your hard work has paid off , a lovely painting

  3. Hi Debbie,
    I enjoyed very much reading you story and had a few heartfelt laughs. Thank you for sharing it. It just brought back, in a very nice and funny way, all my own artistic hacks I was doing and continue doing every time things do not go as well as initially planned. It all just shows how creative we as artists are.
    You certainly improved the composition, adding a beautiful rose and dewdrops. I love it. Keep up and you will only get better, as all of us do.

  4. It turned out just fine in the end so alls well. Yes I know some watercolor papers are really a problem!

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